Oral Company private jet

Oral Company private jet

Oral Company private jet is one of the Professionals of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 12/4/2009 the artist is currently ranked as the #112 African Music act. The artist is considered to be from Rio de Janeiro. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

8/16/2014 Tromsø sweet Details »
8/15/2014 Tallinn good Details »
8/14/2014 Helsinki good Details »

Artist Buzz

The most recent music video by Oral Company private jet is #8539741, released on 4/6/2014.

Oral Company private jet released the perfect single Acceptance on 5/23/2014.

Message to the Fans

This artist hasn't written a message to the fans and public.


R. Ruffles
Band Leader

Member since 9/3/2014

A. Sanader
Member since 1/3/2016