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Record Contract History

This page gives you a complete record of all the Record Contracts this artist has signed over the years.

Popmundo RC 404730

Studio: Contracs for sale (Stockholm)
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 7/25/2010 to 12/31/2012
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 224548

Studio: Gandarew Heavy Metal (Tromsø)
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 7/27/2008 to 7/27/2009
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 221648

Studio: Whoop Ray Heavy Metal (London)
Company: Sensational
Royalty: 67% of all record sales.
Discount: 50% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 7/17/2008 to 12/31/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 199931

Studio: Erhult'Blues Recording (London)
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 10% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 5/11/2008 to 12/11/2008
State: Broken by Studio