♪ ♂ MonoPop ♫ ♀

Record Contract History

This page gives you a complete record of all the Record Contracts this artist has signed over the years.

Popmundo RC 311367

Studio: Bastet Records (Seattle)
Company: Camelot
Royalty: 70% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 4/22/2009 to 4/22/2011
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 308952

Studio: Roadhouse Rhythms ▲ (Istanbul)
Company: The F*cking Red !
Royalty: 55% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 4/12/2009 to 4/12/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 270115

Studio: Bastet Records (Seattle)
Company: Camelot
Royalty: 65% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 12/13/2008 to 12/13/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 244063

Studio: infinitesimal records (Berlin)
Company: inc.c.subsidiary
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 9/25/2008 to 12/31/2010
State: Broken

Popmundo RC 186361

Studio: [SIN] UMG- Record (Singapore)
Company: R.P.I. United Media Group
Royalty: 62% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 4/6/2008 to 12/31/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 175601

Studio: Kaffíbarínn MR Studio (Stockholm)
Royalty: 62% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 3/13/2008 to 12/31/2010
State: Broken by Studio