This is the guestbook of DiLeMMa.
Thanks for playing at AromaZ MR Amsterdam! Keep the good work and come back soon! :)
Thank you for playing in ßê£g®ådë RǿcЌ [BEL] in Belgrade. I hope See you soon! :D
Best regards!
Thank you for playing at the Elda Rock Paris. We hope to see you again soon !
Keep Rockin'
Perrin, CEO
Butterflies and Roses, Madrid
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Thanks for playing at my club!
It was a pleasure to host you!
I talked to the critics, they told me that you could easily improve your show. It seems they like to go with the flow. Which means the better your songs get the better they rate your show. So I guess the trick is to keep their mood increasing by putting best songs last.
I am looking forward to see you again!
Keep it rockin'!
Dünya turunuzun son konserini mekanımızda verdiğiniz için teşekkür eder, kariyerinizde başarılar dileriz.
Varşova'da tekrar görüşmek dileğiyle,
Miragefire [ROCK]
-Thanks for playing in Elda Rock NY-
We were very happy to welcome you. I hope you enjoy the show!
We wish you good luck for your career, and hope to welcome you again in Elda Rock NY
Clara (CEO)
Thank you very much for the concert to RokkiBaari/RockClub - [BUCHAREST]
I hope that you have been well, return here as soon as possible ^_*
Please contact me.....Gheorghe Cioran for any request ^_^
Thanks for playing at [localeid=1437804 name=Johnny Guitar [LON]]. I hope you visit us again and share your talent with us. =)
Greetings, Manuel Lopes