Blue Freedom Öğrenci Grubu
This is the guestbook of Blue Freedom Öğrenci Grubu.
konserlerde git gide daha başarılı olmalıyız
thank you for playing at our club.
welcome back when it suits your schedule. =)
/ Alfreda Olsson, ceo "ultimate thrill", istanbul
Hi there!
Thank you for playing at
HIP HOP Club ☜☤☞ Berlin!!
You will be always welcome!!
Anydoubts just pm our CEO!
E ae galera, valeu por terem tocado no
HIP HOP Club ☜☤☞ Berlin!!
e bom jogooooooooooo!!
Muchas gracias por haver tocado en
HIP HOP Club ☜☤☞ Berlin!
Serán siempre bienvenidos y esperamos que tu andaderua en el hip hop sea prospera y muy buena.!
P. Lee at 10/25/2007, 11:00 PM
işallah yine gelip güzel konserler veririz
I’m the owner of Jurdan’s Club of Hip Hop.
The club is new, but I hope that it’ll improve with your help.
I’m very happy if you play in my clubs
Thanks in advance
Jurdan's HH Belgrado
Jurdan's HH Los Angeles
Acep reserve of Competition please
we need you & want you in the Shows
sure are awesome...don't miss it
Thanks so much & remember when before accept more tickets buy & more money our win