This is the guestbook of Flying Underwearz.
Hello you!
waaou! elevenths! congratulations!
I'm still a fan of Flying underwearz! Keep doing as well!
#13! Lucky number 
We'll both rule those charts one day 
Hey Franck, profite d'être devant nous *tousse* pour une fois *tousse* parce que ça va pas durer très longtemps. J'ai payé le gars qui s'occupe des placements
Il m'a dit qu'il faisait ça vite fait, en regardant Popflix 
Not that you guys need it but Otelo, the kids, and I wish you mountains of luck and success (free of plastic surgery, unlike us 😬) with the new album and everything that comes next! 🍀 We’ll miss your party this time because of our slightly deviant tour plan 😜 but you’ll be in our minds!
Keep shaking up those charts!