Guitar Nights Club Band
This is the guestbook of Guitar Nights Club Band.
Vinga penya us vui a tots descansant i preparats per als concerts! Que si estem mal de salut tots o pagarem i aixo no pot ser, VINGA GUITAR NIGHTS CLUB BAND!!!
Ara si que si!!
Ja som qui voliem ser, un grup d'amics que ens hem viciat al popomundo, ja ens podem dir popomundistes, jeje.
Espero que la MiniGira del Setembre vagi b.
Anims a TOTS!!!
Thanks for playing at ® The Den Φ BRU
I hope I can see you playing again soon. :)
Please contact with Cankat Yücel about invitations, ticket prices, etc.
Best regards
CEO of ® The Den Φ BRU, Cankat