This is the guestbook of skanksters.
Good luck with the Darbuka!
Keep on skanking, my reggae brothers!
It will be interesting what this union will bring to the popoworld
Anxious to play at your club on Madrid and eat a vegetarian paella. Best wishes for you and your band. Success!!!
here is a little jewel for ya...
just a few bars for ur guestbook...
Skanksters search for da riddim,
thats how they work for a livin'.
They dont sing about guns, drugs,
or even about hurtin' tha women.
They sing songs thats positive,
so you better catch their vibe.
Yo! They sound irie on record,
even better to catch them live!
So forget your pride,
and put your bad attitude aside.
Its The Skanksters, world wide,
keepin' that real reaggae alive!
*an ol'rootdigger ghost whisper... respect...good vibes*
Belgrado Reggae Belgrade WP ☆HO☆
2007-07-22 12:00
....It's a lucky day!
Valeriy Lugina,CEO