This is the guestbook of Hoodiez.
Gracias por participar en nuestra Competencia. Esperamos veros de nuevo en la competición de Febrero. un saludo.______________Thank you for participating in our competition. We hope to see you in competence of fabruary. A greeting.
P. Zarandona at 12/4/2007, 7:00 PM
Hi there!Thank you for playing at Postbahnhof ☜☤☞ Berlin!You will be always welcome!;-@@[]'s
P. Lee at 5/7/2008, 5:00 AM
SARAYBOSNADA Hip Hop Life Bar II YARIŞMA DAVETİYESİ YOLLANIR-------- 500$ KATILIM ÜCRETİ İLE--------------Yarısma günü 2008-09-01 12:00 2008-09-07 18:00 if you want to give a hip-hop concert in Sarajevo, click here----Sending invitations for "Hip Hop Life Bar II" competition---entering price: 500$ the competition is at 2008-09-01 12:00 2008-09-07 18:00
K. Dürüst at 7/2/2008, 5:00 PM