This is the guestbook of _BaDsToRy_.
Hola Chicos...
Les envié una invitación a una competencia de Rock.
AdF Sudamerican Rockers I
Si no quieren participar, por favor rechacen la propuesta para darle la oportunidad a otra banda...
Claramente AdF Rock Club BA estaria orgulloso de que su banda se haga presente en esta competencia...
Iñigo Arenas
♫ The essence of Hard Rock in Moscow!! ♫
This event will bring about one million people and gonna have the most incredible bands from the brotherhood of Rock in this game!!
Come have a try!!!
Will start on: 2008-08-01(12:00)
End on: 2008-08-07(22:00)
Alba tescarolo
I see chairman of your record studio is dead. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, I can offer you good rates. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.
2009-02-13 Varşova
2009-02-14 Kopenhag
2009-02-15 Stokholm
2009-02-16 Amsterdam
2009-02-17 Brüksel
2009-02-18 Paris
2009-02-19 Barselona
2009-02-20 Madrid
2009-02-21 Porto
2009-02-22 Rio de Janeiro
2009-02-23 Sao Paulo
2009-02-24 Buenos Aires
2009-02-26 Melbourne
2009-02-27 Singapur
2009-02-28 Şangay
2009-03-01 Mexico City
2009-03-02 Los Angeles
2009-03-03 Nashville
2009-03-04 Toronto
2009-03-05 Montreal
Rota Dizaynı
2009-01-26 New York
2009-01-27 Londra
2009-01-28 Glasgow
2009-01-29 Tromso
2009-01-30 Helsinki
2009-01-31 Tallinn
2009-02-01 Moskova
2009-02-02 Vilnius
2009-02-03 Berlin
2009-02-04 Roma
2009-02-05 Dubrovnik
2009-02-06 Saraybosna
-> Saraybosna > Belgrade 2 saat
-> Belgrade > Istanbul 4 saat
2009-02-07 Istanbul
2009-02-08 Ankara
2009-02-09 Izmir
2009-02-10 Bükreş
2009-02-11 Belgrade
2009-02-12 Budapeşte
2009-02-13 Varşova