This is the guestbook of TyRaven.
FLAYERS ACTUALIZATION for Kεερεrs of Mεtal Tour 3rd edition
You already can have access to the 2 official Kεερεrs of Mεtal Tour - 3rd Edition Flayers, the link to them it´s below:
Static Flyer: 
Animated Flyer: 
I hope you like them and you will like use one of them!
I´m always at disposal of everyone.
Stay Metal
Abílio Carvoeiro
(Kεερεrs of Mεtal™
Thank you for playing at Kilt Check in Chicago! :)

Thanks so much for playing in Viking Metal Cave Clubs!
We hope you will come back as soon as possible and that you enjoyed giving gig there! Stay metal always! \n/
Malgo, the owner of the Lavender Field Enterprices
LAUREN SPEAR Stadium in Seattle Inviting you to play live!
Stadium default settings are:• Default ticket price:
30 $• Default Riders:
131.313 $All you need to do is to
book show, and that's it :)) See you there!