This is the guestbook of Black Rain.
I´m organizing a competition at Barcelona between the days 06/11 to 13/11.
Schizophrenic club will be very pleased if we could count with you. If you are interested just tell me the day an hour that is better for you.
Best Regards
La tua prima fan (nonchè rivale!)
La catena mondiale di club modern rock |MR| Controtempo è lieta di ospitare tutti i concerti per i vostri tour. Inoltre organizziamo tour completi: attualmente è organizzato un tour di competizioni; trovate maggiori dettagli qui: 1796633.1
Per chiarimenti o inviti, contattatemi.
Franco Corona.
Hi, I'm thinking to close the recording studio high slopes, but don't worry in about a week your contract will be transferred to another of my studios (rip this oint in amsterdam), I might not be able to manage your records until then. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll keep you posted.
Thank you for playing at The Sun and the Moon in Seattle! Best of luck on your tour! :)