Combat Rock

Cerveza para todos

Cerveza para todos is a Music Video by Combat Rock.

Status: Released
Studio: Serenity-Records
Producer: C. Peace
Production Cost: 10,000.00 M$
Release Date: 2/23/2025

Video Shoot Details

Scene Name: Cerveza para todos
Scene Status: Finished
Soundtrack: Cerveza para todos
Type of Scene: Song & Dance Number
Location: Czarnolas, Warsaw
Filming: 2/19/2025, 6:00 AM
Role Cast & Crew Performance
Actor Ayla 40
Actor Peach 40
Director Peach 50
Actor Wild girl 40
Actor El enterrador 40
Actor El terror de las nenas 40
Current Chart Placements Position
Turkey 1212 (5)
Romania 1515 (7)
Hungary 1515 (17)
Bosnia and Herzegovinia 2222 (6)
South Africa 2323 (-)
Russia 2424 (2)
Netherlands 2525 (27)
United Kingdom 2626 (11)
Serbia 2727 (15)
Italy 2828 (9)
Mexico 2929 (8)
Norway 3131 (5)
Croatia 3131 (8)
Ukraine 3131 (19)
Azerbaijan 3232 (-)