Soğuk Bira


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
ilahi asiklar 9442310/9/2013 40
___**cerberuss**___ 450122/19/2008 10
Singles Release Review
Kırmızı Şarap 927367/31/2013 40
öffff cok pis koktu . . . 912225/28/2013 40
niye niyeeeee 8668911/21/2012 30
ŞENTÜRK~~~~~~~~~ZUHAL 8601610/24/2012 30
Turan &Destiny 853429/25/2012 30
hersey yolunda 846708/28/2012 30
hay basliycam boyle singilaa 839887/31/2012 30
Fix... 6901011/15/2010 20
The End!.. 661757/20/2010 30
Loading... 643315/4/2010 30
Kara kuzu :* 633233/23/2010 30
The Power Of Love 622502/6/2010 30
cerberuss vol.f.a.u. 562796/2/2009 20
cerberuss İ&W 545943/24/2009 20
cerceruss vol.2 528921/12/2009 20
hamsterdam 451552/25/2008 10