Locales in Milan

Each city is divided in to different Zones. Find locales in those zones that are relevant to the career and game you're focusing on. You will only find locales of public interest here and not character homes or abandoned buildings.

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Locale Type Quality  
Brillante Sol -Milán Head Office 14
Dream HQ | Mil Head Office 10
Black Room Head Office 7
Ufficio Milanese Head Office 7
Bambi Sucks The Office Head Office 7
The Orange Lodge Head Office 7
Capocchiaplaza Head Office 6
BAYKUSH HQ Head Office 4
00002 Head Office 1
TheOya HQ Milano Head Office 1
~MOSELEY~Office | MILAN Head Office 1
Maguire Office Head Office 1
Useless II Head Office 1
Milano Headquarters Head Office 1
B.A.I. HQ | MIL Head Office 1
MOS Milano HQ Head Office 1
Studebaker Europe HQ Head Office 1