Most Popular Artists from Manila

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Gуeongcнip #17 Pop
2 Rearviewmirror #61 Modern Rock
3 MirBay #128 Pop
4 Rolling Pandas #78 Blues
5 原计划 #93 Classical
6 Zombie Brain #456 Rock
7 Darna #397 Pop
8 Neon #463 Pop
9 Sparkling Cyanide #818 Pop
10 The Feral Beast #803 Rock
11 Capslock Love Affair #804 Rock
12 Se7en #912 Rock
13 Tripp-eX #923 Rock
14 Footprints on the Moon #416 Heavy Metal
15 Muambas Express #371 Punk Rock
16 Glass Tapes #260 Classical
17 Ska #147 World Music
18 Mor #333 Jazz
19 Los Penetrators of Vadjainas #248 Blues
20 La Casa de Virtuosos #170 Flamenco
21 Krissy #224 Flamenco
22 Crime Rose of Salome #218 World Music
23 HAL-E #964 Pop
24 The Regine Experience #1024 Pop
25 The Agustina Experience #1398 Pop