Wells Chain - Africa

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Amsterdam | Wells 9215716 921,571.60 M$ 50 88
Ankara | Wells 1144927 114,492.70 M$ 50 90
Antalya | Wells 13898400 1,389,840.00 M$ 50 95
Bakü | Wells 13721800 1,372,180.00 M$ 50 91
Barselona | Wells 11534663 1,153,466.30 M$ 50 89
Belgrad | Wells 9599283 959,928.30 M$ 50 85
Berlin | Wells 7908573 790,857.30 M$ 50 91
Brüksel | Wells 7518499 751,849.90 M$ 50 91
Budapeşte | Wells 6614503 661,450.30 M$ 50 90
Buenos Aires | Wells 327786 32,778.60 M$ 50 87
Bükreş | Wells 13746607 1,374,660.70 M$ 50 92
Cakarta | Wells 13004461 1,300,446.10 M$ 50 94
Dubrovnik | Wells 8690652 869,065.20 M$ 50 92
Glasgow | Wells 100329 10,032.90 M$ 50 92
Helsinki | Wells 3454524 345,452.40 M$ 50 89
İstanbul | Wells 3266542 326,654.20 M$ 50 91
İzmir | Wells -230127 (23,012.70) M$ 30 93
Johannesburg | Wells 285687 28,568.70 M$ 50 88
Kopenhag | Wells 7919990 791,999.00 M$ 50 88
Kyiv | Wells 11938957 1,193,895.70 M$ 50 90
Londra | Wells 128176 12,817.60 M$ 50 87
Los Angeles | Wells 1419415 141,941.50 M$ 50 92
Madrid | Wells 6021047 602,104.70 M$ 50 92
Manila | Wells 15755554 1,575,555.40 M$ 50 86
Melbourne | Wells 6276481 627,648.10 M$ 50 89
Mexico City | Wells -150266 (15,026.60) M$ 40 92
Milano | Wells 7802103 780,210.30 M$ 50 92
Montreal | Wells 496069 49,606.90 M$ 50 89
Moskova | Wells 11660266 1,166,026.60 M$ 50 91
Nashville | Wells 516206 51,620.60 M$ 50 89
New York | Wells 810289 81,028.90 M$ 50 89
Paris | Wells 14607772 1,460,777.20 M$ 50 85
Porto | Wells 471551 47,155.10 M$ 50 83
Rio de Janerio | Wells 1129507 112,950.70 M$ 50 87
Roma | Wells 14409088 1,440,908.80 M$ 50 96
Şangay | Wells 14299357 1,429,935.70 M$ 50 94
Sao Paulo | Wells 1043781 104,378.10 M$ 50 90
Saraybosna | Wells 14017884 1,401,788.40 M$ 50 94
Seattle | Wells 340222 34,022.20 M$ 50 91
Şikago | Wells 935321 93,532.10 M$ 50 89
Singapur | Wells 13346475 1,334,647.50 M$ 50 90
Sofya | Wells 12635176 1,263,517.60 M$ 50 93
Stokholm | Wells 13436673 1,343,667.30 M$ 50 91
Tallinn | Wells 3451476 345,147.60 M$ 50 94
Tokyo | Wells 286212 28,621.20 M$ 50 92
Toronto | Wells -143522 (14,352.20) M$ 30 86
Tromsø | Wells 11842555 1,184,255.50 M$ 50 91
Varşova | Wells 14799864 1,479,986.40 M$ 50 87
Vilnius | Wells 13032770 1,303,277.00 M$ 50 88
Wells CD -725107 (72,510.70) M$ 0 91
Wells Rec -118124 (11,812.40) M$ 30 83