Izbor himne himni ex-Jugoslavije Live Aid

This page contains information on a specific competition. Competitions are social events where players put on their best performances in an effort to outshine everyone else.

Competition Info
Name: Izbor himne himni ex-Jugoslavije Live Aid
Type: Live Aid Festival
Charity: Popomundo Pet Liberation Front
Price Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Current Pot: 14,000.00 M$
Minimum Entries: 10
Entry Cost: 500.00 M$
Locale: |P| Sarajevo Skate Park
City: Sarajevo
Arranged By: S. Wanderley Riggio
Time: 5/21/2010, 12:00 PM to 5/27/2010, 10:00 PM
Booking Starts: 1/1/2003, 12:00 AM
Description: Slavite s nama potrebu Balkana i njegovih naroda da rade pizdarije gdje god i kad stignu!

Odaberite bend koji će svirati sljedeću himnu himni ex-Jugoslavije

Festival slavi i uspomenu na Latashu Queen, najveću turbo folk umjetnicu Balkana koja nas je prerano napustila

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Let's celebrate the necessity of Balkan and it's people to do stupid things where ever and when ever they can!

Choose the band that will play the next anthem of anthems of ex-Yugoslavia

Festival also celebrates the memory of Latasha Queen, the greatest turbo folk artist of the Popo-Balkans that has lately passed away
Status: Completed

Competition Winners

Here are the top three results from this competition listed with links to their respective shows. For a complete list of the final results click HERE.

1 Nervous Instructors earth shaking
2 Valter Brani Sarajevo mind melting
3 Junior Jazzers perfect