Porto Blues III Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
9/3/2007, 10:00 PM Not A Bug nice
9/4/2007, 2:00 PM ACR Blues Band decent
9/4/2007, 4:00 PM Star Bu below average
9/4/2007, 6:00 PM Black Corral splendid
9/4/2007, 8:00 PM Al Dowling nice
9/4/2007, 10:00 PM Telli Turna mediocre
9/5/2007, 2:00 PM Star Ring decent
9/5/2007, 4:00 PM Johnny Black sweet
9/5/2007, 6:00 PM The Anarchist splendid
9/5/2007, 8:00 PM Ceci n’est pas une pipe awesome
9/5/2007, 10:00 PM Nihilum good
9/6/2007, 12:00 PM The Rat decent
9/6/2007, 2:00 PM Inkblot decent
9/6/2007, 4:00 PM Masta Blasta below average
9/6/2007, 6:00 PM Wasted Talent splendid
9/6/2007, 8:00 PM .My Way. good
9/7/2007, 12:00 PM Aldous Blake good
9/7/2007, 2:00 PM Duane Duke decent
9/7/2007, 4:00 PM FREE sweet
9/7/2007, 6:00 PM Vermilion great
9/7/2007, 8:00 PM mor uçurtma mediocre
9/7/2007, 10:00 PM Twinky Starlight Failed
9/8/2007, 2:00 PM Beautiful Gravediggers great
9/8/2007, 6:00 PM Exiled Hammers sweet
9/8/2007, 8:00 PM Gogyblue Failed
9/9/2007, 12:00 PM A Blue Life mediocre
9/9/2007, 2:00 PM Doctor Z above average
9/9/2007, 4:00 PM Bloody Blues mediocre
9/9/2007, 6:00 PM Mowtown good
9/9/2007, 10:00 PM McLive Experience sweet
9/10/2007, 12:00 PM O Pianista & Seus 6 Trompetes good
9/10/2007, 2:00 PM ~Serenity~ above average
9/10/2007, 4:00 PM Flight of the Wingless Pegasus splendid
9/10/2007, 6:00 PM Like a Lady decent
9/10/2007, 8:00 PM Slow Down Sagg great
9/10/2007, 10:00 PM Istanblues pleasant