Klinika Doktora Szczyta

City: Warsaw

Klinika Doktora Szczyta

The plastic surgeon is always ready to "improve" your looks. Just keep in mind that the effects of cosmetic surgery wears off with time and tend to leave things worse than they were at first. Jacko!

Basic Info

Locale Type: Plastic Surgery Center
City: Warsaw
City Zone: Nowy Świat (Commercial)
Management: City of Warsaw
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 3,858,526.00 M$
Service Cost: 10.00 M$

Note from the Management

Witamy w Warszawie!
Szukasz lekarza? - 1895055.1
Masz pytania? - 2086706.1
Gdy zauważysz pożar… - 418467.1
Pracujesz długo dla miasta? Weź udział w loterii! - 2184469.1

Welcome to Warsaw!
Looking for a doctor? - 1895055.1
Do you have any questions? - 2086706.1
When something is burning… - 418467.1
Do you work for the city for a long time? Take part in the lottery! - 2184469.1

Jeśli chcesz pracować dla miasta zgłoś się do Barbary lub Davida, a otrzymasz maksymalne wynagrodzenie.