
Owner: Barcelona
City: Barcelona


The Post Office is a customer service, primarily responsible for the delivery of parcels from around the world.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Post Office
City: Barcelona
City Zone: Barri Gòtic (Center of Town)
Management: Barcelona
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 4,006,691.20 M$

Note from the Management

Estudia a Barcelona! / ¡Estudia en Barcelona! / Study in Barcelona!

Beques per a novells / Becas para novatos / Scholarships for newbies
Incentiu a professores / Incentivo a profesores / Incentive to professors 2313936.1

Tablón de anuncios de la universidad : 1876611.441
🏤 Campus Universitario 2328819.1

¿Acabas de llegar al mundo y necesitas ayuda? 2328348.1
Acabes d'arribar al món i necessites ajuda? 2328348.1
You are just arrived and need some help? 2328348.1