Sophia University
The university is where people 16 years or older can get their education, improving their skills in life.
Note from the Management
If you want to become a teacher in this university, submit your résumé to the President. Set GO TO WORK as your priority. Be always on campus!
Se queres ser professor nesta universidade, submete o teu currículo ao Presidente. Selecciona IR AO TRABALHO como prioridade. Deves estar sempre na universidade!
Sign up for the class you wish and set your priority as GO TO CLASS. Always remain on campus otherwise you’ll fail to upgrade your abilities.
Inscrevam-se no curso que pretendem frequentar e coloquem a prioridade IR ÁS AULAS. Não saiam da Universidade, caso contrário irão falhar a aprendizagem.
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