Hôpital La Rochefoucauld

City: Paris

Hôpital La Rochefoucauld

The hospital is where you go whenever your health or mood is failing. Whenever your health or mood become too low you'll be automatically hospitalized by the system. Once hospitalized you will remain here until you're well enough to be released without danger. Should you have pressing matters elsewhere while hospitalized it's possible to release yourself from the hospital but if you don't get well on your own you'll probably be hospitalized again shortly thereafter. The hospital is also a good place to visit if you have questions regarding eventual diseases, pregnancies, and paternity tests.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Hospital
City: Paris
City Zone: Quais de Seine (Center of Town)
Management: Mairie de Paris
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 1,777,076.40 M$
Current storage size: 0 of 15000 MU

Note from the Management

Attention, n'interagissez pas tant que vous êtes malade !
Laissez un message ici si vous êtes malade : 2114090.1,

Warning, don't interact when you're sick!
Leave a message here 2114090.1 to let us know you're sick.

Uyarı, hastaysanız ilgilenmeyin!
Hasta olduğunuzu bildirmek için buraya 2114090.1 bir mesaj bırakın.

Pour toute question sur la gestion de la ville, dirigez-vous à l'Hôtel de Ville.
For all inqueries about the city management, please reach the City Hall.