Ateities parkas

City: Vilnius

Ateities parkas

Nothing beats a break away from your stressful life in a local park. The park serves as a gathering place for people out and about in the world as well as providing cities with some much needed fresh air.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Park
City: Vilnius
City Zone: Senamiestis (Center of Town)
Management: Vilniaus miestas
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 6,037,099.60 M$
Power Capacity: 100000 W

Note from the Management

2006-09-13 Šiandien mes įkuriame Vilnių, Lietuvos sostinę ir vienintelį žinomą miestą, kuriame yra bronzinis Franko Zappos biustas!

13-9-2006 Today we launch the city of Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, and home to the only known bronze cast of Frank Zappa!

Naudingos nuorodos / Useful links
💉 [Doctor] Pagalba sergantiems 2028713.1
👠 [Market] Turgelis 2029570.1
💬 [Chat] Plepalai 2071405.1
🎁 [Mentors] Vilniaus mentorystės programa 2345388.1