Babble Babble (0-15)

Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 1 Kisses for Kings
2 3 Baba Raad
3 57 It's never too late to start
4 95 Bat Macumba
5 152 Amazones d'Afrique
6 153 Sleeping Giant
7 185 Prime Circle
8 200 Never Ending Story
9 226 Suajili
10 227 Lacrimosa


# Rank Artist
1 17 X - CELLENT!
2 23 Music2Hearts
3 80 Uccello
4 101 Industry Baby
5 155 Sem nome ainda hehe
6 222 To Hell and Back
7 234 Noćnik
8 245 Strigiformes
9 277 Electric Indigo
10 342 тнe dance of тнe sтars
11 366 Blues Man Inc.
12 367 les carottes sont cuites
13 371 Pompeii
14 372 Samsara
15 385 Paint It Black
16 391 Magic of The Moon
17 393 dark night
18 437 The NBT
19 471 Royaume des fées
20 481 Temporalidades Infinitas
21 510 Big blind papa with no body
22 603 Sleeps with Fishes


# Rank Artist
1 5 God, Bless The Fish
2 6 Armageddon
3 9 Egyptian Gods
4 18 Whisper of the Lilies
5 28 Old Sea Dogs
6 50 Classical Duo
7 52 Bonamana
8 206 En clave de Mí
9 207 We're all mad here
10 225 Enigma of Undone
11 231 !MessaggI SubliminalI!
12 245 Vári Duó
13 250 Symphony~
14 261 Master of Puppets
15 263 Davi
16 289 Irmãos Bouleau
17 301 Arkadian
18 308 Last dream
19 357 Lynchian Head
20 395 Błękitna perła
21 437 Emy & Friends in Paris
22 488 Waltz of Shadows
23 497 Enter Name Herea
24 504 Red Little Roses
25 506 Bu da mı Dragon?

Country & Western

# Rank Artist
1 8 The Humpenscrumpin HillBilly's
2 29 Traveller
3 79 The Southern Harmony Makers
4 103 Orphan Black
5 165 We Are Stars
6 179 Cowgirls Don't Cry
7 202 Maya in Wonderland
8 217 Bigode do Touro
9 235 Ve ne tik eip sau Puponautai
10 266 Kamikaze Chickens
11 277 New Dawn
12 280 Payback
13 285 Legen-dairy Pink Moo-Sic Band
14 302 Bully


# Rank Artist
1 22 Røøm69
2 60 Na batida
3 90 Folie à Plusieurs
4 143 Lightning Flash
5 145 Mr. Wolf
6 159 Kassuo
7 166 ART3MIS
9 345 rotting on the vine
10 365 Bucklerization
11 371 Secret Swim
12 401 The Beaters
13 454 buble boom
14 491 Monday 21.04
15 507 Lion Leo
16 521 Achromatic
17 532 BuzzHouse
18 576 Motherboard
19 638 Levels!
20 666 Midnight Glory
21 674 the x
22 750 The Mushrooms
23 755 Bacana
24 757 Wavin' Vibes
25 780 drum and bass
26 805 Gemeinschaft
27 864 Pure Dead Brilliant


# Rank Artist
1 2 Dream Machine
2 3 Heleanne
3 4 Spirited Faraway
4 9 Fuensanta
5 10 An Elephant Sitting Still
6 22 Amantes de Locos <3
7 52 Lady Adventure
8 62 Love Runner
9 97 Odds and Ends
10 98 Sol y Luna
11 160 os amores da minha vida
12 162 Aestivation
13 176 Winterfell
14 191 Goner
15 196 ReD PePoNi
16 224 Rockin' Gods
17 253 Ally Oz
18 266 Adı buraya giriniz!
19 269 O meu sangue ferve por você
20 282 caямía'
21 283 T’U’R’U’NC’U’
22 285 Stupid temporary band

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 2 Thrive on Dysfunction
2 5 Leprosarium
3 9 Red Plague
4 32 SиakЯat
5 73 Children Of The Beast
7 131 Ghost Opera
8 141 Shadowstorm Crusade
10 305 Wings of Fantasy
11 319 Hymn Of The Dark Soul
13 329 Dark Waters
14 348 Through The Ashes
15 350 Runaplata
16 412 Korpens Saga
17 420 Satan killed my Agony
18 424 мiѕcнieғ мaиaged
19 429 Gods Of Darkness
20 455 Sword of Destiny
21 469 аиgeяpатн
22 491 Jörmungandr
23 526 This Fall
24 565 Knights of the Square Table
25 579 Diamond Brigade
26 593 The Cunt Farts
27 670 Blitterswijk Kardeşler'in Yeri
28 674 Demon Inside
29 676 No se
30 696 Storage Bus
31 709 Darkbloom
32 717 Cuecas em Chamas
33 725 Date Knife
34 900 Shshshsh
35 901 The Jetlagged

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 1 House Of Cards!
2 9 BeatnomicoN
3 29 Il était une fois ...
4 33 Infinite Silence
5 117 The Prodigal Son
6 252 Suicidio kármico
7 255 Seeing the World
8 261 biraz frapan
9 283 Soulless
10 329 Bedtime Tales For Rebels
11 343 Meow Zone
12 374 Tёмное пространство
13 408 I will always find you
14 423 Sonra Güncellenecek
15 430 J Smooth
16 432 Sindy et Compagnie
17 454 Passe-Partout
18 477 Miko Kardeşler
19 489 Les Lionnes
20 493 MIRUO
21 495 Hipo
22 543 Get Lit
23 549 Los perros andan sueltos
24 608 BDB


# Rank Artist
1 18 Hidden Moon
2 22 Mixolydian Soul
3 51 Cool Cats Jazz Club
4 53 Spotted Cat
5 69 Mimmi II
6 79 Banana Razz Jazz Symphony
7 116 Fabulous Jazz Symphony
8 250 Vagina Dentata
9 253 Angel's Wings
10 267 11:11
11 278 The Elementals
12 348 Jazzt in Time
13 369 in libras libertas
14 411 Güneş ve Ay
15 416 Fake Amoral Arkhe
16 421 All that JazZz
17 475 LS
18 558 Ses Deneme 1.2.3
19 567 Ugly Squeezed Little Oranges

Latin Music

# Rank Artist
1 26 Adriana de Vega
2 64 Jr. Supremos
3 75 Elwing
4 100 Garota de Iracema
5 109 DayDreaming
6 164 Os Trutas
7 181 Proscript
8 198 мanus Dei
9 212 L'AMOUR
10 216 ELITE
11 244 El Fénix
12 280 Unión Grey
13 299 .: Os Latinos :.
14 308 Let it Snow ~
15 389 The Angry Ramen
16 391 El Proyecto
17 395 ÆNERGY

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 3 TrustNo1
2 15 Hot Daniel is Dead!
3 27 Toxic Girls
4 28 High Altitude
5 33 Silly Symphonies
6 78 Zıkkımın Pek’i
7 92 Cabá com os Pequi de Goiás
8 113 Moonshine
9 164 abstraction of insane
10 167 El lunes empiezo
11 361 Whips & Cuffs
12 367 Üvey anamın Cumman'ı
13 370 SUITS
14 372 Rocking Unicorns
15 373 Diatribe
16 389 Canım Kendim
17 397 Still Waters
18 422 Perfectum Dei
19 475 Dark Enchantress
20 486 Ąll Ʈhe Ɗarkness
21 504 Undercover
22 507 Nota en Do
23 523 Eternal Bliss
24 528 La Nair
25 530 The Inarticulate
26 555 Batatas Embriagadas
27 587 Melting Point
28 595 Cookie Jar
29 597 Zero Talent
30 635 Nelumbo Nucifera
31 644 Les chats rouges
32 649 Ely's
34 701 яecкleѕs
35 722 DayDreamer
36 761 Petites Canailles
37 762 Balaenidae
38 777 Vėlė
39 797 Just You & Me
40 802 Travel by Candlelight
41 825 NY after midnight 2
42 827 NY after midnight 1
43 828 NY after midnight 3
44 829 shuffle me into the bathtub
45 832 Mina & Horst Peter
47 836 Don't You
48 837 For aliens only
49 848 You name it


# Rank Artist
1 26 soulмaтes
2 56 Twin peaks
3 67 Homewreckers
4 73 3l Du0 D1n4m1c0
5 93 Bultaoreune
6 152 The Crimson Collective
7 182 Eternal Sunshine
8 230 Hell is on earth
9 316 Kimono
10 339 The Five
11 675 Elrohir Elanesse
12 719 Sativa Fairies
13 733 Lust
14 751 Ace of Hz
15 752 M A D E M A
17 840 Pussy PoP Rock
18 845 Liz Sizzle
19 912 C'est La Vie
20 943 Aspiring Actress
21 984 Taking Back Summer
22 990 Labyrinth
23 992 그림자
24 997 R E G U L A R
25 1017 * Dreams *
26 1018 Flash Future
27 1032 Rejeu
28 1048 Djinn and Tonic
29 1127 ILU
30 1137 Jugoton
31 1184 ReeJeu
32 1200 Blanco Brothers
33 1215 Mother Nature
34 1268 Familia Pop
35 1274 Xuxa
36 1293 W i 16 anni
37 1294 Pasta e patate
38 1353 Pink Bollworm
39 1356 Niko & Tha Kid
40 1405 petr'oil

Punk Rock

# Rank Artist
1 5 X!S
2 17 Skirts & Skulls
3 18 Rocket Princess
4 59 Madis 16:6
5 64 Samantha Punk 14#8
6 72 Åshild&Torbjørg Punk 2:20
7 75 Totte&Anders Punk 3:19
8 81 Albin&Ignazio Punk 6:16
9 83 Ida&Bea Punk 5:17
10 84 Elizabeth&Earl Punk 4:18
11 86 Nellie&Petter Punk 8:14
12 94 Kaarel Punk 15:7
13 99 Melody Punk 11:11
14 130 Born To Be Wild
15 151 Adventure Time:.
16 198 Lack of Harmony
17 201 Chains of Command
18 211 K I Y M E T L İ M İ S S
19 298 Cereal Kellers
20 438 Muambas Express
21 449 stardust
22 474 Bring the Noize
23 477 Cambio de planes
24 478 A donde me lleve
25 487 .whatever
26 492 Coxinhas lovers
27 509 Don't let the BTCHs get u down
28 511 Silly Sedation
29 545 The Marwick Gang
30 553 Siren Call Records LLC Staff
31 602 Punching Bag
32 604 Floя dє éвano
33 612 Maye's Horizon
34 629 MEADOW
35 649 the hurricane
37 673 No Jodan
38 682 four amigos
39 691 The Stoned Unicorns
40 704 Ferraro Produções


# Rank Artist
1 12 L.U.X
2 14 Chaotic Blue
3 19 Edgar Ex Machina
4 48 Mångata
5 69 caçola de véia
6 85 Nightingales
7 93 Queen's Of Disaster
8 100 H.E.R.
9 130 Junk of the Heart
10 198 Ivoяч Auтuми
11 209 Roses et Cendres Chaudes
12 273 Siren Song
13 287 Felyrium
14 320 banda de brinquedo
15 355 Eastside Drip
16 371 Virtual Insanity
17 402 Jade’s
18 431 No hay cuerdos felices
19 455 Strawberry
20 458 Shake it good
21 467 Albright Albright Albright
22 484 KZA
23 489 Lana Del Grey
24 491 Straight Into The Sunrise
25 492 True Love
26 516 Linden Drive
27 555 Teste de RB
28 564 Ocaliptus
29 567 Xylia Paige


# Rank Artist
1 11 Like a Hummingbird in Flight
2 14 Healy
3 21 Pecado Original
4 129 Efsunland
5 132 Smriti
6 136 aksu ailesi
7 138 Pink Fur
8 141 Always黑·藍紫
9 180 QuickBurd
10 200 Turul Air
11 207 - Ineffable -
12 223 Purr
13 243 тнє ∂σlls இஞஓ
14 264 Watties
15 280 The Wilsons
16 293 Toothpaste Kisses


# Rank Artist
1 10 Blue
2 11 B - ROCK
3 23 Cats on Mars
4 31 64.Gunnhild Pohjanjousi
5 35 62.Natalya Yeo
6 40 Strawberry Seas Forever
8 77 Name Not Found
9 106 New Toys Army
10 172 MockPig
11 190 Acid Spiders
12 260 Maja is coming
13 274 The Iridescent Star
14 281 Call it Magic
15 288 Deseret
16 299 Morten is the one
17 339 Emma The ROCK Star
18 475 Girlfriends
19 718 Steelheart
20 724 Neri & Tracy
22 746 The Whore Bitch Hooker Band
23 759 SomeThings
24 760 Spring Of Mind
25 793 Counting Crows
26 808 Medieval Dream
27 812 ~ Born to be Naughty ~
28 822 Beijinho no Ombro
29 841 the princess of evil
30 849 Bazı Kırmızı Tatlar
31 857 ~ Pos ya que ~
32 874 TIRTIL
33 892 Neandertallica
34 915 Purple Soul
35 922 Good Girl Gone Bad
36 929 Beca
37 965 LoVÈ
38 1009 Charlie's Angels
39 1010 Problems Over The Horizon
40 1066 Maniac Mansion
41 1120 Drunk Witch Horror
42 1121 Mazikeen Lee
43 1126 The Whore Bitch Hooker Band II
44 1129 Dëad Man's Hand
45 1180 Valar Morghulis.
46 1201 The Rolling Stones
47 1226 The Burlesons
48 1255 Black Summer Academy
49 1270 Xplicit
50 1306 Fair
51 1335 Aidan & Nyx
52 1354 ~XoX~
53 1381 Adı buraya girindgrtghtr
54 1382 Unikot
55 1386 Ddd
56 1405 Route 666
57 1452 Dooh
58 1529 Ada Yalın
59 1533 Underdogs
60 1538 Jaguares
61 1539 ~ Dragones de Barcelona ~
62 1544 The Thorn Birds
63 1555 Live is Life
64 1583 Velaris
65 1619 Piedra, papel y tijera
66 1627 Supernova

World Music

# Rank Artist
1 25 Begeerte
2 31 ByeBitch!
3 32 The World of Fantasia
4 72 Fish Story
5 87 Absolute Suco de Errepê
6 92 i just need xp
7 147 ..For River..
8 162 Re-charged
9 181 Sisters around the world
10 185 Northern Lights Observers
11 207 New Namasté
12 208 The Celestial Omnibus
13 211 Wayfinder
14 243 Blood native
15 267 Tatami Galaxy
16 315 Spiritchaser