Boys and girls

Boys and girls

Boys and girls is one of the Stars of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 9/3/2013 the artist is currently ranked as the #33 Hip Hop act. The artist is considered to be from London. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

7/17/2024 Bucharest terrific Details »
7/16/2024 Bucharest great Details »
7/16/2024 Belgrade terrific Details »

Artist Buzz

Live performances include a mind melting show at Dangerzone HH SAR 1 in Sarajevo which is rated as their best recent show.

The most recent music video by Boys and girls is *Boys and girls A Side 3, released on 4/15/2024.

Boys and girls released the mind melting single Boys and girls Single 36 on 4/16/2024.

Message to the Fans

[image=http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7629/sso8.png ]


V. Brasileiro
Band Leader
Lead Singer / Electric Guitarist
Member since 8/7/2020

L. Brasileiro
Piano Player / Lead Singer
Member since 11/22/2020

A. Brasileiro
Electric Guitarist / Dancer
Member since 11/22/2020

Í. Vilar Brasileiro
Drummer / Rapper
Member since 11/24/2020

F. Brooks
Band Leader
Rapper / Dancer
Member since 5/2/2021