feast on male flesh

feast on male flesh

feast on male flesh is one of the Professionals of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 3/23/2021 the artist is currently ranked as the #397 Modern Rock act. The artist is considered to be from Los Angeles. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

1/7/2024 London splendid Details »
12/13/2023 Moscow splendid Details »
12/12/2023 Nashville splendid Details »

Artist Buzz

The most recent music video by feast on male flesh is Portia in time, released on 11/23/2022.

feast on male flesh released the great single pagan on 9/30/2022.

Message to the Fans

Tomie is chasing other achievements right now. But we'll be back full force soon!


S. Delaney
Band Leader
Lead Singer / Electric Guitarist
Member since 3/23/2021