Nil ve Ötesi
Nil ve Ötesi is one of the Celebrities of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 10/14/2024 the artist is currently ranked as the #382 Pop act. The artist is considered to be from Istanbul. This artist accepts invitations.
Artist Buzz
Live performances include a mediocre show at Dangerzone P IZM 2 in Izmir which is rated as their best recent show.
Message to the Fans
Pop müziğin yeni sesi! Duygusal hikayelerle dolu melodilerimizle dinleyicilerimizin kalplerine dokunuyoruz. Hayatın içinden kesitler sunarak, umut ve hayallerle dolu bir yolculuğa davet ediyoruz. Bizi takip edin ve birlikte Nil’in ötesine geçelim!
N. Övünç
Band Leader
Lead Singer / Acoustic Guitarist
Member since 10/14/2024