This is the guestbook of silent phobia.
Thanks for playing in @Purple Haze@ in Amsterdam!
We'd love to have you back soon, you're always welcome !! :)
Myrthe Alferink, CEO
Thanks for playing in Zero aromaŽ Metal [ROM]
I hope to see you soon!! ^__^
C. Albizua, Zero aromaŽ Metal [ROM] CEO
Thanks for playing in @Purple Haze@ in Amsterdam!
We'd love to have you back soon, you're always welcome !! :)
Myrthe Alferink, CEO
Thanks again for playing in @Purple Haze@ in Amsterdam!
Hope to see you around the club again!
► Mexico DF ► Dubrovnik ► São Paulo
► Vilnius ► Porto ► Belgrade
► Tallinn ► Moscow
Rock on,
Myrthe Alferink, CEO
It was a pleasure to have you here in Moose in Montreal [HM].
We would like to thank you for the great show and hope to have you back soon.
Good luck and lots of fun on tour.
Steve Cook