This is the guestbook of The rotter's club.
Berlin and Somepink in Berlin [MR] are waiting them!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Music!♪ ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Latest Schedule
Somepink Modern Rock Competition
2007-09-08 12:00--->2007-09-15 12:00
Lots of Love
Tansu Oransayoglu - Somepink in Berlin [MR]
Thanks for playing at Nights of São Paulo!
hope to see you soon!
Revolutionary S&S MR Tromsø thanks you for a great show!!
Don't be a stranger!!
【ツ】J.Baselmans - CEO【ツ】
Thank you for making Madelene's MR Garden the place to be!!! We hope that you had a great time and will choose our stage again to host your next Nashville concert.
Take a look at my blog and tell me if you want an invitation to our competition in Rio.
The competition will take place beetwen 24-03 and 31-03.
The club is revolutionary.
Thanks for your time,
if your group is in first 300 at modern rock ranking u can get more then %50 of tickets sales..please contact me.
DeSeN ModerN RocK-Bucharest
Thanks for performing at [MR] Is not Enough (Ber).
We glad to watch your performance at our place again, soon.
Best Wishes,
Placido Casini
The Hole - Stockholm organizes a competition between the 2nd of July and the 8th, and it will be great to see your band on stage. Pm me it you're interessed.
Good luck,