This is the guestbook of Forever Curro.
Gracias por hacernos disfrutar de tu música en LluNatics PoP-Club (MAD).
Te deseamos una prometedora carrera musical y esperamos verte de nuevo muy pronto.
Good Luck!
Vero. ;)
Thanxs for playing Angel´s Pop [JOH], we hope to have you back soon. If there is anything you need please PM me.
Jaime Moreiras - OWNER Angel´s Pop Co.
We have a VIP pass reserving in all clubs. Greats benefits
Good luck.
Thanxs for playing Angel´s Pop Milan, we hope to have you back soon. If there is anything you need please PM me.
L.Pérez CEO Angel´s Pop Milan.
Good Luck on the rest of your tour.