Revenge of the Nerds
This is the guestbook of Revenge of the Nerds.
Keep up the good work you Megastars!!!!!
Maddogs 4 Life
Følelser? Hvilke følelser har fisk? Følelser som kærlighed, had og lyst til masturbation? eller alle ligesom os?:)
I hope you guys qualify for the festival.
This would mean 3 hip hop bands on the festival which will be great!!
Tak for konkurrencen - you'll be missed!
Very Special Thanks for a great and unfortunately your last show at Evenstar.
http://www231.popomundo.com/Common/Performances.asp?action=ReadPerformance&PerformanceID=4333477The revenge of the Revenge of the Nerds![/link]
Zühre Sönmez