This is the guestbook of NR Illusion.
You are invited to the Competition of Heavy Metal in Toronto, Alive or Died (17-07-20-07), if it interests to you to accept the invitation and to say to me to what price you want tickets. If you do not want to attend they reject. Thank you very much by your participation, and luck. A greeting.
Thank you for performing with us. We hope you'll join us again the next time you're in London!
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters London
Gracias por participar en nuestra Competencia. Esperamos veros en nuestros Clubs de Montreal y Toronto. En las competiciones de finales de Enero. un saludo.
Thank you for participating in our competition. We hope to see you in our clubs Montreal and Toronto. In competitions late January. A greeting.
Thank you very much for the excellent performance in Porto Club! You are always invited.
Birgit Baan
CEO@ Porto Club