This is the guestbook of Psychedelic Pussy.
Thanks for playing at: Beaumont & Blicharska's (in São Paolo)
It was a pleasure to have you here on our stage.
Come back when ever you want and try out our other clubs of Beaumont, Blicharska & Fengels.
Regards and good luck:
Lumi Studebaker
Your rate will be 60% for your shows at the clubs whose names are Punk 77. In case of you send your tour plan to us and accept that you arrange your shows with us at all the 46 cities, you can get a rate of 75%.
Thank you
Have a nice show!
Kerem Yıldız / Punk 77 Owners
We're organizing a tour which is gonna be repeated each year at Punk 77 clubs. 75% artist cut and 200k rider limit are the default setting in the tour which contains 46 competitions in 46 cities. Our club quailities are perfect and genre strengths are in the "strong" class. We'll be honored to see you and to compete with you in our tour. One More Time Punk Tour 23-30 Jun - 8-15 Aug English 1565951.1
Kerem Yıldız / Punk 77 Owners
LAUREN SPEAR Stadium in Seattle Inviting you to play live!
Stadium default settings are:• Default ticket price:
30 $• Default Riders:
131.313 $All you need to do is to
book show, and that's it :)) See you there!