This is the guestbook of electro'Freak.
Gracias por tocar en Accuracy - Tor [Elect]. Sois bienvenidos si queréis volver. :D Si queréis alguna fecha en especial, contactad conmigo.
S. Álvarez-Gundín at 1/28/2008, 10:00 AM
Thank you for showing at L-Ektro |We will always be glad to welcome you at L-Ektro | clubs around the world.Fredrik Bjärnsson, Shareholder of L-Ektro | Holding
F. Bjärnsson at 3/3/2008, 10:00 AM
█|█ COYOTE UGLY █|█ (BAR) █|█ COYOTE UGLY █|█ (MAD) █|█ COYOTE UGLY █|█ (IST) ONLY FOR ELECTRONICA ACTSContactIf you have any questions or you want to have invite please contact Tayfun TORLAK for more information.
T. Torlak at 4/2/2008, 4:00 PM