This is the guestbook of Country Kiss.
Hi! If you (Elisabeth) are thrown a pair of undies in Sampa don't act surprised... ;)
Keep kicking ass with Country Kiss!

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Hey, Mrs. Hyde! I'm not able to send you a message thanking you for you sweet words, then I'm writting through here!
Well... it seems it's a full moon night, eh? *grins*
Hi y'all! Wanted to invite you to play on my clubs. Have on in Rio and another in NY and I can send the invite for any time and day! :)
It would be my pleasure to have y'all playing on Bonfire Country Clubs!
FANTASTIC sound you guys have here! Quite a lot is on the horizon for your careers and lives, my Magic 8-Balls says. (As does my astrologer)
As a wise man once Said
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
I will definitely be seeing more of You. Especially one of you.