This is the guestbook of Valhöll.
Tks/Welcome and Information/invitation
I see you have booked a Show in Porto City Stadium and in name of the Porto City i come tks to you.
I would like inform, in the date you have your show we have the Competition - Porto City Alive II (click here to you can join us),so if you wanna join on the competition, you will be welcome :)
I´m always @ your disposal.
Vanessa Carvoeiro Del Toro
(Porto City Stadium CEO)
He reached the first competition in global electronics Born a Star.
Do you have what you need to have to prove you're the best DJ?
Prove it!
Porto City Stadium Invitation
Tks for you have booked your show for year 88 in Porto @ our Stadium. I would like invite you to join to the 3rd edition of Porto City Alive.
Hope you could choose us always you will come to make your show in Porto
I´m always @ your disposal.
See you
Best Regards
Vanessa Del Toro
(Porto City Stadium CEO)
Não vai ser justo se vocês não derem as caras por lá e... Prometo não fazer piadinhas desse tipo se vocês colarem. Talvez. 8)

Olaaar! Vim entregar o convite de um certo evento que acontecerá no próximo sábado. Podemos contar com vocês? :3
