Axl Le Baron & BiggyBen
This is the guestbook of Axl Le Baron & BiggyBen.
Thanks for taking part in the Nasty Big Pointy Teeth! competition at The Cave of Caerbannogh in Stockholm. It was a pleasure to host you - welcome back anytime. :)
Thank you for participating in The Battle of Eden 2 at Endstation Eden in Madrid. It was a great performance. Good luck and thank you again!
Betty Weir
Thanks for participate in the "Gira aromaZ metal MAD" competition ;)
I wish you all the best!
~Adela Aballe~
CEO of Zero aromaĊ½ Metal [MAD]
Thank you for taking part in the first Kalevala Fest! Very good luck!!
Hope to see you again soon!
Warm regards,
Aino Puosi [Kantele]
Thank you for performing with us. We hope you'll join us again the next time you're in Paris!
Rosa :)
The Valley of the Damned
Good luck in the competition.
Bonnes performance au Medley. Revenez nous voir à Montréal bientôt.
Rockin' show at the G Spot...let me know if you want another session ;)
Gracias por participar en nuestra Competencia. Esperamos veros en nuestros Clubs de Montreal y Toronto. En las competiciones de finales de Enero. un saludo.
Thank you for participating in our competition. We hope to see you in our clubs Montreal and Toronto. In competitions late January. A greeting.
Très bonnes prestations au Medley!
Vous êtes toujours les bienvenus