This is the guestbook of Hamtrax 2.0.
¡Con que dejando a tu perrita encerrada en la casa y sola!... Y luego no te queres deprimir xddd.
Jaja no te preocupes, a mí se me murieron 2 ratas así xddd... Buen viaje, ojalá llegues a tiempo para tu sitios en los platos (por DJ, jaja).
hola, felicitaciones a toda la banda, por el disco y por su gira, les deseo que sigan bien asi, y ya nos veremos por este popoplaneta.
éxitos les desean clara and aleks (obvio denisse mi bebesita tmb).
Aaaah muchas gracias Alex y Clara, siii ojalá y en algun momento compartamos escenario... y pues =mente muchooos éxitos, algun dia talvez sea vip y firme en el libro de Towver jeje.
¡Nuevo single de Hamtrax 2.0!
Enviamos a la discográfica actual el nuevo single, que se tituló "Both Sides OR AnyOne". Por ahora esperamos que sea editado y puesto a la venta, esta vez con la esperanza de ver algo de las muchas o pocas ventas que se hagan.
¡Mucha suerte muchachos!
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Butterflies and Roses, Madrid
Thanks for playing at my club.
It was a pleasure to host you!
If you are interested in my opinion about your show, I am glad to answer any questions.
Keep it rockin'!
Thanks to you Cécile!
We are trying to get better, so your coment about us is always welcome...
Have a nice day guy!
I see your record studio owner is inactive. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, GameOver Music Entertainment can offer you good rates. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.
I see your record studio owner is dead in the while and your studio is falling down, so I renew our offer:if you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, GameOver Music Entertainment can offer you good rates.
If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, GameOver Music Entertainment can offer you good rates, guaranteed better than your actual ones. Plus, dedicated genre studios,experience and guidance. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.