This is the guestbook of Sludge Factory.
Gostaria de desejar toda sorte para os representantes brasileiros nas etapas classificatórias do Popmundo Festival VII
Mesmo que não consigam uma vaga devem encarar isso como um grande aprendizado para uma próxima vez e só o fato de estarmos nessas Classificatórias após anos sem ser realizada já faz de nós grandes campeões
Boa sorte e bom show pra todos!!
Alexander Corbin
1st place has got its deserved winner. It was a great show, one that Dubrovnik is not used to!
Hope to see you again.
Akın Çeki
about: 1408214.30
parabens pela banda de vcs ;)
Thank you for playing at The Amphitheater in Seattle. We hope all your expectations were met, and hope to see you again in the future.
Have a great tour!
Hey there,
am I allowed to invite you to my club "Berlin Modern-Rock CLub" at 12/25 at 8pm?
Regine Owais
Woww dudes!
You're almost there!
Congratulations for you boys, girls, middle ones...
I actualy have a very very long road to the top! But you guys did it very well...
So, now, dammit :P xD