This is the guestbook of Sticker Zombies.
Mucha suerte con vuestro grupo! ;P
Hi X !
Thanks for play in Quimera Metal/Los Angeles!
We are proud to have among us again whenever they want ^^
thank you so much!
We would like invite your band to participate in Metal Female Voices II - competition (eliminatory).
It will elapse:
Dates:12 until 16 April 2009
Hours:12 or 14 or 16.
Places: Toronto or Madrid.
Entrance: 500€
Rider: 2.500€.
Details in FORUM TOPIC ID: 1022941.1
Anything you need contact by PRIVATE MESSAGE to MFV Staff Abilio Carvoeiro or Marta Negro or in the Forum Topic
We wait your replay soon as possible.