This is the guestbook of Sexy Things.
Vuestra banda huele a CLADOFRAN
ay, no, este era un PM para Phil Jackson..
perdón.. digo..
Comprad el nuevo CD o recopilatorio de esta banda. Killer Kat da su apoyo incondicional a esta fundación, lucrativa o no.
ay madre el hindú
aún voy taja
que cabrones con la màquina de tabac foradada per fotre't les monediklis
Thank you for participating in The Metal Tour 2 at Endstation Eden in Madrid. After your show I can see why everyone is raving about this tour. Good luck and thank you again!
Betty Weir
Congratulations on your Top 10 finish at The Metal Tour 2 at Endstation Eden in Madrid. You finished near the top of an extremely strong field! Thank you for participating and congratulations again!
Betty Weir