This is the guestbook of Punkie.
If you want a private label rather than a city one, we'd like to offer you a contract with GameOver Music Entertainment.
Experience and care are our pillars. In case, pm me. :)
Convite: Tour TUGA
Antes de mais nada peço desculpas por estar a postar no vosso livro de visitas, mas gostava de convidar a vossa banda a participar na TOUR TUGA. Para saberem todos os detalhes sobre esta tour klikem no link seguinte: 1190753.1.
Kualker duvida podem contactar comigo e/ou com a Marta Negro, estamos à vossa disposição.
Obrigado pelo vosso tempo a lerem este post.
Abilio Carvoeiro.
Thanks for playing at: Beaumont & Blicharska's (in São Paolo)
We hope to see you again, soon.
Come back when ever you want.
Greetz and good luck:
Lumi Studebaker
Hi there,
I'm the new owner of Eternal Punk [Tor]. I see you have played your concert here several days before I own this club.
I hope I can see you again playing here someday.
Travis - Eternal Punk Owner
Pink Pank Punk MON Montreal.
We have a competition from November 24 until November 30, you ask the date you to want to Tía Madrazo.
We will order you the invitation.