This is the guestbook of Silverblaze.
Thanks for playing in our club - you were the last non-Jazz act to perform here;)
Good luck with your tour and career!
Thank you for participating in our competition and performing at Muses!
I´m happy to see you performing in more Modern-Rocking surroundings this time;)
Berlin and Somepink in Berlin [MR] are waiting them!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Music!♪ ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Lots of Love
Tansu Oransayoglu - Somepink in Berlin [MR]
Thank you for your concert at Sensuality Queen!
We are happy to entertain you next time you are in Rome!
Gaia Salatino
Ceo of Sensuality Queen - Rome -
The Hole - Stockholm organizes a competition between the 2nd of July and the 8th, and it will be great to see your band on stage. Pm me it you're interessed.
Good luck,
Thanks for performing at [MR] Is not Enough (Ber).
We glad to watch your performance at our place again, soon.
I remind you that our Club organizes world competitions almost every week.
For invite contact me.
Best Wishes,
Placido Casini
Hi there
I sent your band an invitation to a competition in Club Ewing Dubrovnik [MR]
If you don't like the day/hour,just send me a pm to change it the way you prefer
I will also increase the ticket limit once you accepted the invitation
If you don't want to join the comp,please reject as soon as posible =)
Many thanks!