This is the guestbook of ***GrEeN dAy***.
Free Immunization $0
Vrsta: Glazbena vježbaonica
Grad: Toronto
Kvaliteta: pristojan
Stanje: ispodprosječan
Stanje objekta: Normalno
you need to get to this concert for 16 days because we have a lot of tickets sold!
za spot bi bilo dobro imat basic acting
a da koncert bude ok, za pocetak naskillajte svoje uloge u bendu i žanr... znaci, za pocetak: Rock, pa onda u tvom slucaju Osnove žičanih instrumenata (Basic string instruments), pa onda Bas (Play the Bass), pa onda sekundarnu ulogu, opet u tvom slucaju Osnove pjevanja (Basic Singing) i onda Vodeći vokal (Lead Vocals ili Lead singing)
to je za pocetak...
a onda bi bilo dobro:
sex appeal
make up
for the spot would be good to have basic acting
a concert that is ok, for the beginning of naskillajte their roles in the band and the genre...means, for the beginning:Rock, and then in your case Fundamentals of string instruments(Basic string instruments),and then Bas(Play the Bass), and then a secondary role,again,in your case Fundamentals of singing(Basic Singing),and then lead vocal(Lead or Lead Vocals singing)
it's a beginning ...
and then would be good:
sex appeal