This is the guestbook of NCeen.
Aangezien dit gastenboek nog zo leeg is zal ik hier maar iets posten.
Hopelijk lukt het wat met het vormen van een nieuwe band en wie weet kan je het me ooit moeilijk maken (al betwijfel ik dat :) )
wacht maar...ik zit in je schaduw...:d
Many thanks for playing at Becerros Hip-Hop Club!!. We will be waiting for you here again ^^
Thank you for playing in the Devassa Hip Hop [RIO]!
Hope to see you again soon!
You are invited to the Competition of Hip Hop in Stocolmo, Alive or Died (14-10>17-10), if it interests to you to accept the invitation and to say to me to what price you want tickets. If you do not want to attend they reject. Thank you very much by your participation, and luck. A greeting.
hey do you want to play in the best club in rio??? just tell me ;);)