This is the guestbook of Lys Delight.
The best band ever!
Good luck honey,

Beer Drinkers (LA) is gratefull and hopes to see you again soon
Thanks for playing at [localeid=1437804 name=Johnny Guitar [LON]]. I hope you visit us again and share your talent with us. =)
Greetings, Manuel Lopes
Thanks for playing in [localeid=230410 name=Ąяkαηgєζ яσck [LON]]!
We wish you good luck for the future, and hope to see you again in my club.
Regards, Anne Queen
Thanks for playing at [localeid=1437804 name=Johnny Guitar [LON]]. I hope you visit us again and share your talent with us. =)
Greetings, Manuel Lopes
Thank you for playing at Rock Dock Tromsø and welcome back!
-Antti, CEO
Thanks for play at ☜Ћє ƦℇΛζ Ťħiηğ Ʀ✪ƇK…LA☞. It was a pleasure hosting you. We hope you came back soon.
Good luck in your career.