The Fifty Feet Tall Lemurs

Thorstendawn (this title is fucked)

Thorstendawn (this title is fucked) is a Music Video by The Fifty Feet Tall Lemurs.

Status: Filmed & ready for release
Studio: TFC. Jazz Records Paris
Producer: J. Thorstensson
Current Budget: 0.00 M$
Review: earth shaking

Video Shoot Details

Scene Name: Thorstendawn (this title is fucked)
Scene Status: Finished
Soundtrack: Thorstendawn (this title is fucked)
Type of Scene: Song & Dance Number
Location: Colin Lawrence P, Johannesburg
Filming: 11/22/2014, 6:00 AM
Role Cast & Crew Performance
Actor J. Pemberton 40
Actor J. Thorstensson 40
Director J. Thorstensson 50