the ηight σf sighs ❥

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
foятuиe тelleя 165637 11/23/2021 40
zeи 164942 10/25/2021 40
eveяy day is suиsнiиe 164266 9/27/2021 40
pluм fıcтıoи 163596 8/30/2021 40
deseят saиd 162923 8/2/2021 40
esquıváиdoтe 162253 7/5/2021 40
иavıdad blaиca 161578 6/7/2021 40
coco cяusн 160910 5/10/2021 50
alcнeмy 160262 4/13/2021 40
тнe saddesт beasт 159562 3/15/2021 40
seduced тнe fullмeтal dяagoи 158890 2/15/2021 40
иew нeaveи 158243 1/19/2021 40
asseт мaиageмeит 157544 12/21/2020 40
иoт afяaid тo spaяkle 156873 11/23/2020 40
jıиgle jaиgle 156202 10/26/2020 40
dяagoиfiяe 155536 9/28/2020 40
мake waves 146173 9/4/2019 40
нeяe coмes joy 145450 8/5/2019 40
яeтuяи 144787 7/8/2019 40
иuтcяackeя sweeт 144108 6/10/2019 50
juиo мooи 143434 5/13/2019 40
five o'clock 142766 4/15/2019 40
cнeяяy тopped 120611 10/4/2016 40
gloud gaıт 118767 7/19/2016 40
мy lıттle pяıncess, мy lıfe 117923 6/14/2016 40
wıтн you by мy sıde 117239 5/16/2016 40
тнıиgs lıke you 116580 4/19/2016 40
supeя нeяo 115907 3/22/2016 40
losт 115217 2/22/2016 40
aмoиg тнe fıяeflıes 114547 1/25/2016 40
тнe faıяıes 114217 1/12/2016 40
A castle in the sky 114046 1/4/2016 40
нoт sıgнs 113202 11/30/2015 40
peяsoиal pıck 112522 11/2/2015 40
aloиe ıи мy solıтude 111862 10/5/2015 40
wнeяe dяeaмs aяe boяи 110518 8/10/2015 40
tнe мagic of stoяıes 108493 5/18/2015 40
la мafia 107325 3/30/2015 40
иo нay dos sıи тяes 105805 1/26/2015 40
lıgнtиıиg & tнuиderstorм 105134 12/29/2014 40
Hippie 104626 12/8/2014 40
My thunder 101314 7/23/2014 40
In the night 100436 6/16/2014 40
Maia 99757 5/19/2014 40