Triple BK

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Work in Progress Status
That Wasn't Me New
Music Video Release Review
I Walked Around 190343 9/17/2024 40
I Can't Wait 189668 8/20/2024 40
Coming Soon 188996 7/23/2024 50
To Another Galaxy 188319 6/25/2024 40
Sunshine Dance 187655 5/28/2024 40
I Wonder 186974 4/30/2024 40
Top Secret 186302 4/2/2024 50
I Was Busy Doing Other Things 185633 3/5/2024 40
Home Sweet Home 184966 2/6/2024 40
All We Have 184291 1/9/2024 40
The Cat Is Back 183616 12/12/2023 40
Just Another Sunday Evening 182944 11/14/2023 40
Mayfly Day 182279 10/17/2023 40
Third Eye Blind 181606 9/19/2023 40
Completely Messed Up 180259 7/25/2023 40
Devil's Angel 179591 6/27/2023 40
Icy Winds 178915 5/30/2023 40
Don't Touch It 178240 5/2/2023 50
Walking Home Tonight 177568 4/4/2023 40
The Other Side 176901 3/7/2023 40
Happy Places 176229 2/7/2023 40
Whiskey Tango Foxtrott 175558 1/10/2023 50
Little Bird Didn't Tell Me 174876 12/13/2022 40
Desert Streams 174204 11/15/2022 50
Whatever Happens 173542 10/18/2022 50
Bigger Every Day 172861 9/20/2022 50
My Crystal Ball Says 172189 8/23/2022 40
Come Again 171531 7/27/2022 40
Early Days 170854 6/28/2022 50
Beyond Reality 170173 5/31/2022 50
Shake It Off 169503 5/3/2022 50
I Think It Went OK 168838 4/5/2022 50
Good Night 168166 3/8/2022 50
All We Need 167491 2/8/2022 40
In My Dreams 166822 1/11/2022 50
Why Not 166150 12/14/2021 40
Dinner Is Ready 165474 11/16/2021 50
Saltwater Rain 164809 10/20/2021 50
Daydreams 164166 9/23/2021 40
Double Standards 163451 8/24/2021 40
Summer Dreams 162791 7/27/2021 50
Catch-22 162110 6/29/2021 50
Sunshine Melody 161439 6/1/2021 50
If One Person Stands Up 160770 5/4/2021 40
One Over Zero 160093 4/6/2021 50
For You 159430 3/9/2021 50
Healthy Paranoia 158750 2/9/2021 50
Evil Spirits 158084 1/12/2021 50
Big Dreams 157409 12/15/2020 40
All In 156741 11/17/2020 50
Monday Morning 156067 10/20/2020 50
Brain Freeze 155394 9/22/2020 50
All In 154719 8/25/2020 50
Perfect World 154044 7/28/2020 50
Moonlight Magic 153372 6/30/2020 50
Positive Thinking 152708 6/2/2020 50
Celestial Beauty 152022 5/5/2020 40
Angel 151359 4/7/2020 50
The Mystery Surrounding Me 150688 3/10/2020 50
Lies We Tell Ourselves 150003 2/11/2020 50
Seven Feet Above 149336 1/14/2020 50
Polar Night 148678 12/17/2019 50
Third Wheel 148006 11/19/2019 50
Full Moon 147324 10/22/2019 50
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 146658 9/24/2019 50
Butterfly Dance 145991 8/27/2019 50
Summertime Madness 145316 7/30/2019 50
Sweet Lemonade 144638 7/2/2019 40
It Is Cold Outside 143974 6/4/2019 50
It's Time 143293 5/7/2019 50
To Be Continued 142630 4/9/2019 50
Conqueror of the Useless 141942 3/12/2019 40
Nobody Understands 141269 2/12/2019 50
Winter Magic 140609 1/15/2019 50
Autumn Sunset 139937 12/18/2018 50
Sunburned 139263 11/20/2018 50
Thrown away 138595 10/23/2018 50
Under the Chestnut Tree 137926 9/25/2018 50
Cliffhanger 137254 8/28/2018 50
Healthy Paranoia 136566 7/31/2018 40
Paraskavedekatriaphobia 135913 7/4/2018 40
Screwed Up 135238 6/5/2018 50
Two Minutes Too Late 134558 5/8/2018 50
Happily Never After 133876 4/10/2018 50
Just Keep Swimming 133204 3/13/2018 40
Once Forever 132542 2/13/2018 50
I Wish It Were That Easy 131861 1/16/2018 50
Between Scylla and Charybdis 131189 12/19/2017 50
Purple Clouds 130518 11/21/2017 50
Nothing for All 129847 10/24/2017 50
Uninvited 129173 9/26/2017 50
You Can't Afford It 128509 8/29/2017 50
Left Behind 127827 8/1/2017 50
Dark Light 127158 7/4/2017 50
Double Trouble 126484 6/6/2017 50
The Universe Is Not Enough 125813 5/9/2017 50
In the Middle of Something 125141 4/11/2017 50
Traffic Jam 124487 3/14/2017 50
Forget It 123795 2/14/2017 50
Curses 123123 1/17/2017 50
It's Not What It Looks Like 122451 12/20/2016 40
Strings Attached 121780 11/22/2016 50
Rush Hour 121143 10/26/2016 50
Bluish Green 120435 9/27/2016 50
Everything Looks Purple to Me 119764 8/30/2016 50
The Tree Far Away from the Apple 119091 8/2/2016 50
Drums of Destiny 118437 7/5/2016 50
Replaced by Machines 117746 6/7/2016 40
Friday the 14th 117074 5/10/2016 50
Brain Freeze 116414 4/12/2016 50
Short Story Long 115753 3/16/2016 50
Stick and Carrot 115059 2/16/2016 50
A Million Miles Away 114388 1/19/2016 40
Mondayitis 113727 12/22/2015 50
If We All Were Angels 113043 11/24/2015 40
Quadruple Negative 112371 10/27/2015 50
Curses 111714 9/29/2015 40
Northeast by East 111049 9/2/2015 40
Attention 110389 8/5/2015 40
Nothing to Do 109693 7/7/2015 40
Rainy Night 109022 6/9/2015 40
From the Sea to the Mountains 108508 5/19/2015 40
A Lot of Nothing 107686 4/14/2015 40
Zero Gravity 106994 3/17/2015 40
In the Middle of Something 106322 2/17/2015 40
Aurora Australis 105650 1/20/2015 40
Dreaming forever 104987 12/23/2014 40
Gibberish 104321 11/25/2014 40
On thin Ice 103635 10/28/2014 40
Too fast 102962 9/30/2014 40
Time flies away 102298 9/2/2014 40
Big Sister is watching 101632 8/5/2014 40
Mixed up with Confusion 100945 7/8/2014 40
Lackadaisical 100273 6/10/2014 40
Right Time, left Place 98765 4/8/2014 40